
Growing a sustainable business


At Secura, we place sustainability at the core of everything we do. We are committed to growing in a responsible manner, delivering long-term economic value and contributing to the environmental and social well-being of our communities. 

Sustainability Approach

As Secura, our actions impact our wider network of stakeholders, including customers, communities, investors, employees and regulators. We aspire to create a positive social, environmental and economic impact by embedding responsible and sustainable business practices in everything we do, in order to build a sustainable future for all.

Anchored by our purpose and values, and bolstered by a robust sustainability governance structure, our Sustainability Strategy encompasses three sustainability pillars which set out the material ESG factors deemed significant to our business operations and reflect our stakeholders’ priorities. These factors guide the Group’s sustainability efforts.

Act with integrity

Embedding responsible business practices to safeguard and protect the value of our stakeholders.

Material ESG Factors:

  • Strong governance
    • Code of conduct
    • Whistleblowing & Anti-Corruption
    • Customer privacy
    • Cybersecurity

Create positive impact for society

Driving socio-economic initiatives to promote diversity, equity, inclusion, and wellbeing for our customers, employees, communities and wider society. 

Material ESG Factors:

  • Employment
  • Diversity & equal opportunities
  • Training & education
  • Employee health safety & wellbeing

Build a low-carbon future

Taking climate action by managing climate change risks and seizing opportunities, as well as reducing our own environmental footprint

Material ESG Factors:

  • Waste, energy & emissions

Supporting SDGs

As a responsible and forward-thinking business, we recognise the importance of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in driving sustainable development and creating a better future for all. We are proud to adopt the UN SDGs as a critical reference point in shaping our EESG ambitions and identifying material sustainability factors for our business and stakeholders

Our 3 focus SDGs

Our Commitments

We are committed to retaining our employees and creating a healthy, safe and resilient workplace. We engage in hiring practices that are fair, merit-based and non-discriminatory. 

We believe in continuous learning and improvement for our employees, depending on their roles, to be provided with various training and development programmes. 

Our core businesses are bizSAFE STAR certified by the Workplace Safety and Health Council. In addition, our security guarding and system integration businesses are International Standards Organisation (“ISO”) certified for Quality (ISO 9001) and Occupational Health & Safety (ISO 45001) 

Our Material Topics

Our People

  • Employment (GRI 401)
  • Diversity and Equal Opportunities (GRI 405)
  • Training and Education (GRI 404)
Our Workplace
  • Occupational Health and Safety (GRI 403)

Our Commitments

We are committed to delivering environmentally sustainable outcomes by taking urgent action to combat climate change.

We constantly strive to achieve improved level of resource efficiency every year, thus reducing our carbon footprint. The Group is also committed to practice responsible management of waste generated from our security printing operations.

Our Material Topics

Our Environment

  • Energy (GRI 302)
  • Emissions (GRI 305)
  • Waste (GRI 306)

Our Commitments

We aim to maintain full compliance with various laws and regulations in the social and economic area. 

We have complied with the provisions of the Code of Corporate Governance 2018 where appropriate, by establishing policies, processes, and internal controls for all key business processes.

Our Material Topics

Ethics and Compliance

  • Anti-corruption (GRI 205)
  • Customer Privacy (GRI 418)
  • Code of Conduct
  • Cybersecurity

Sustainability Report

We aim to demonstrate transparency and accountability to our stakeholders with our annual sustainability report.

Through our report, we hope to be responsive to stakeholders’ interests and concerns, in order to build mutual understanding, trust and respect. For more information on our sustainability efforts and performance relating to each of our material ESG factors:

View all our sustainability reports